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Showing posts from July, 2022

As Christ Is Today, So Are You! - Daily Devotional

Bible Verse: -  On the Day of Judgment, the  love between us was  made boldly.  As He is ,  so are we in this world. - 1 John 4:17  -  Inspiration  -   It is good to know that God does not judge or judge you by your  accomplishments  today.  I  see  it. Here's what he said:  New Testament  believers do not have  to fear the Day of Judgment because all our sins were  fully  judged on the cross. As Jesus is, so are we! Healing, blessing, and abundance  were with him  wherever he went. But his words are  not so.  It says "like Jesus" (note the use of the present tense). In other words, we are in this world now. What a powerful revelation! Think of where Jesus is today. The Bible teaches: He [God] raised him [Jesus] from the dead and placed him at his right hand in  heaven.   He is  above  all  principalities  and  authorities  and powers  and dominions and above all names,  not only in this  world,  but also in the world to come.  He  put all things under his  feet and,  abo

Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries