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Showing posts from August, 2022

The Lord Shall Fight For You: Daily Devotional

  The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. - Exodus 14:14 - INSPIRATION - Child of God when going through battles of life, don't worry for we have an assurance of our Lord that he will fight for us, and we shall hold our peace. The battle of the day has reached the highest peak where the enemy fight against even the basic needs of the Children of God. But we serve a living God who will not leave or abandon us. For he will surely fight for us and make provisions for all that we need in life. The Bible lets us understand the book of Exodus 15:3 that; our God is a man of war and his name is “ the LORD “ for he has not loosed a battle before. So we can count on him for all the battles the enemy brings on our way. For he will fight for you and give you victory and Peace. Is the enemy fighting your health? Has he put any sickness on you?- Don't worry, we serve a God who is a healer, for he will heal you from all manner of disease and sickness-and you will have peac

The Peace Of The Lord - Daily Devotional

  “ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. “ - John 14:27   - INSPIRATION - The good Lord we serve has promised us his peace. No matter what the enemy brings in our way, in this world, we still have the promise of our God. He will not leave us either forsaking us. So don't worry when you go through all manner of troubles and crises, He will deliver us from them all and give us eternal peace.  When you have no strength to fight your adversary the Lord will battle for you and you will hold your peace.  The Prince of peace is with us, for the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but his kindness shall not depart from us, neither shall his covenant of peace be removed from his people. Our God is a covenant keeping God, he will not break his covenant with his people. The Almighty God has a covenant of peace with his people, and he will give us peace by all means. T

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength – How to be Strong in a World of Distractions - Daily Devotional

  “ The Joy of the Lord is your strength” - Nehemiah 8:10 - INSPIRATION - In a world full of distractions, it can be hard to stay focused on what's important in life. In this section, we will discuss how to find joy in God and how that joy can help you stay strong in a world full of distractions. 1. The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength - How to be Strong in a World Full of Distractions 2. How to Find Joy in God — The strength of the Lord is our strength. As we embrace the joy of the Lord, our strength is increased and we are made strong in a world full of distractions. Distractions may be external and internal, but they steal our happiness, weaken our joy, and sap away at our strength. The world around us takes up all of our time. Even inside a church building, there are many distractions stealing away at your time and attention. Phones ringing, people talking to you across the aisle, friends who want to stop by for quick prayer or for prayer requests - these are just some of the d

Protection From Evil - Daily Devotional

Isaiah 41:10 ESV - fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - INSPIRATION - God is always with us, no matter how the devil attacks us we must understand that God is ever ready to protect us from all his evil destructions.  The child of God is highly protected if he or she dwells under the shelter of the Most High God where they are protected from any deadly disease sent by the enemy as well as hidden traps. The shield and the buckle of the Lord Jesus cover them from the arrows that fly by the day and the terror of the night. Many are the weapons of the enemy against the beloved of God but the Lord will not allow any of them to prosper over them. For he is with them wherever they go. Our God is faithful, for he will affirm you and guard you against the evil one. So that you will not fall into any of the snares of the enemy. For he will lead you in the righteous paths for his n

Ask Massively - Daily Devotional

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. - John 14:13 - INSPIRATION   - I would  prefer to  begin this devotion by  supplying you with  this challenge: ask God  for nice  things! What  does one  want  to work out  in your life—in your family, your health, your finances and your career? What would you ask God if you knew  with none  doubt that  he's  good  which  His love for you lasts forever? Pray to God for them! Jesus came  in order that   you would possibly  live a life  that's  marked not by lack, but by abundance; not by despair, but by the fullness of His love, joy, and peace. I would  have you ever  write in your diary what  you'd  ask God if you knew He heard your prayers. What dreams, hopes and aspirations  does one  have? What  does one  wish  you'll  see happen in your life? What's your fight today? In what area of your life would  you prefer   to determine  the facility  of God in action? Put that down. 

How Faith Comes - Teachings

  How Faith Comes In the same way,  faith  comes  by hearing, and hearing by the  word  of God (Romans  10:17).     The  apostle  Paul gives us  a heavenly way  to increase our faith. This heavenly  growing belief  system is  God's  solution to our faith  problem. Whether  you  are struggling  to believe  in God's  Word or  contemplating  how to  build  your faith, this  prayer  will be  a revelation  for your next level of faith.    Before explaining how faith comes,  let’s  briefly review the current  state of the beliefs  of most Christians. As a believer and  pastor,  through personal struggles and  ministry  to other  believers, I have come to know  that we have faith  problems.  This  crisis of  faith is  paradoxical. Believers struggle  to believe.  Faith also  remains  a mystery  in the  hearts  of many believers.    Nevertheless,  it remains the  basis  of our relationship with God and  of the Christian's  daily  life. Therefore, we  must overcome all obstacles an

Heavenly Father Knows You Need These Things - Daily Devotional

All these things  the Gentiles  ask for,  and your heavenly Father knows  (All  these things the Gentiles  seek) For  your Father  in heaven knows that   you  need all these things (Matthew  6:32)     - INSPIRATION - Did  God  Forbid Material?  Is  he not satisfied  when our physical needs are met?  Regardless  of our answers to these questions, Jesus reveals profound  truths  about  His  Father in  the Gospel of Matthew.  6:32:  Our Heavenly  Father knows  that  we need  "all these things."  Our Creator Father  created  us  in  a mysterious  harmony between  the physical and the spiritual.    And because we are  complex  beings, we need both spiritual and material things to live in the  flesh. So  Jesus  is saying that  the Father knows  what  we  need—clothes,  shelter, food, money, etc. He does not deny or  ignore  our physical needs. Instead, He  willingly calls Himself El Shaddai, the All-In-One, who knows  our physical needs and supplies all our needs according to His r

Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries