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BROUGHT NEAR TO GOD: Daily Devotional

BROUGHT NEAR TO GOD: Daily Devotional

 You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children’s children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have. There I will provide for you.” - Genesis 45:10–11


My friends, the world we live in today is filled with famine, economic insecurity, corruption, and all kinds of evil and tragedy. More than ever, people are  afraid  to travel by air or sea. Many people live in stress and anxiety because of the chaos they see  around them. The world will be dark, as the Bible says, and it is (Isa. 60:2).

But in  all this darkness and uncertainty, see how today's Bible speaks of "the land of Goshen," a place close to God where you and your family can take refuge. , is what Grace Revolution does for you. It's a revolution in repaired relationships. It brings you closer to God.

Settling on Mount Zion means getting closer to  God than you ever dreamed possible. And from this intimacy barrenness gives way to fertility. Lack is replaced by abundance. Sorrow and sickness with joy and life. fear with love Confusion and uncertainty with peace and security. Victory and defeat. Glitch with breakthrough. And the fate of heaven!

What happens when you stay at Gosen, a place closer to God? you live in a rich place. Goshen literally means "to draw close to God" and from the story of Joseph in the Old Testament we learn that drawing close to God means to enjoy His protection and provisions.


 When the land became famine, Joseph said to his brothers, Come to me, don't hesitate. You shall live in the land of Goshen and  be near me with you and your children, your children's children, your sheep and cattle, and all that you have. There I will take care of you so that you and your family and all that you have do not become poor. For there are still five years of famine” (Genesis 45:9-11).

 In today's chaotic world, I want you to know that there is a Goshen where you and your family can take refuge. It's because God said, "You and your children and children's children, you will be near me. There I will take care of you!"

Beloved,  by establishing your righteous standing in Christ Jesus, you are planted in Zion to remain near and intimate with the Lord. Our Lord Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to give us eternal righteousness based on faith in His Lord (Romans 4:5). Yes, that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Today, thanks to Jesus,  you can have the intimacy with God you've longed for. Since God gave up His Son for your sins, you have  as a gift His righteousness apart from your works, and you can boldly come  to His Father as His beloved son or daughter. I can do it. When we live within the realm of God's love  and not out of a sense of religious obligation, we can enjoy fruitfulness instead of dead work.

If you are crushed by a negative situation, a long-term condition, or an addiction that you cannot get rid of, you can become a prisoner of hope and once again receive His righteous gift  to rule (Zech. 9: 12, Romans 5:17).

Even if your dreams are shattered, you can  start anew in your career knowing that  God loves you, hears you, and puts you back where you are. As we establish ourselves day by day in God's righteousness, we can live free from fear, terror, and oppression (Isaiah 54:14).

I pray that you will walk free as you grow in your revelation of how Jesus has brought you closer to God. May you be victorious over those who prevent him from realizing all that is  in store for him in the future.

©️Copyright 2022 The Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries All rights reserved under international copyright laws.

All Bible citations are from the New King James Version ® unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission. all rights reserved.



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Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries