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LET JESUS SAVE YOU : Daily Devotional

LET JESUS SAVE YOU : Daily Devotional

 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1

Do you think that you are working hard but the results are not coming out? You may feel like you are at a dead end in your career. Or maybe everything you've tried to save your marriage isn't working. Perhaps your hard work has to do with raising children. No matter how much effort you put into  your child, your relationship is getting colder every day.

My friend, now is not the time to give up, but to listen to your wonderful  Savior, Jesus. Listen to him. Instead of relying on your experience and knowledge, rely on Him. you are not alone.

Our Lord Jesus told Peter to cast “nets” (plural in Luke 5:4). The request made no sense to Peter because he and his fishermen worked all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, Peter said in the singular, “You say, I will let down my nets” (Luke 5:5). Naturally, the net began to break and Peter had to call  his friends for help.

Jesus is an immediate help when you need it. No matter what challenges you face today, he can know without a doubt that he is with you and knows exactly how to help you.

There are also people who work tirelessly, trying everything they know to improve their lives  and gain God's approval. The more you try, the more you feel away from him. The more they push, the more they feel  they keep failing and disappoint Him. They were annoyed, tired and frustrated like fishermen who worked all night and caught nothing.

Friend, if this applies to you, I want you to know that God loves you in spite of all your imperfections. That's right. In all your failures and all your mistakes, God still loves you! Come to Him  as you are.

But Pastor Kingsford, you don't understand. I'll clean up my life first and then  come.

Friend, no one wants to clean up before taking a bath. Jesus is a bath! Come to Him with all your faults, all your addictions, all your habits,  all your inhibitions, and let Him do what He does best.

He saves you and restores your wholeness! Jesus will transform you with his perfect love.

©️Copyright 2022 The Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries All rights reserved under international copyright laws.

All Bible citations are from the New King James Version ® unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission. all rights reserved.



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Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries