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Is God real? : Teachings

Is God real? : Teachings

 How do you know God exists?

Answer: We know that God is real because He has shown Himself to us in three ways: in creation, in His Word, and in His Son, Jesus Christ.

The most fundamental proof of God's existence is just what He did. "Because since the creation of the world, the unseen qualities of God. His everlasting power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" Romans 1:20. "The heavens speak the glory of God, the heavens speak the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1.

If I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not think that it "appeared" from nowhere or that it always existed. According to the design of the watch, I assume there was a designer. But there is much more design and accurate in the world that surrounds us. Our measure of time is not based on a wristwatch, but on the work of God, the steady rotation of the earth. The universe is full of great designs, and that speaks to a great designer.

If I found a coded message, I would search for a cryptographer to help break the code. I assume there's a clever sender of the message, someone who created the code. What is the complexity of the DNA "code" that we carry into every cell of our body? Don't the complexity and purpose of DNA plead for a smart code maker?

Not only did God make a physical world complex and finely tuned; He also inculcated a feeling of eternity in each person's heart. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has made all beauty in his time. He also put eternity into the human heart; but no one can understand what God has done from beginning to end. Humanity has an innate perception that there is more to life than it seems, that there is a higher existence than this earth routine. Our sense of eternity is demonstrated in at least two ways: the making of laws and worship.

Each civilization through history has valued some moral laws, which are surprisingly similar from culture to culture. For example, the ideal of love is universally esteemed, whilst falsehood is universally condemned. That common morality, that global understanding of good and evil, denotes a Supreme Moral Being who has given us such scruples.

Likewise, throughout the world, regardless of culture, people have always cultivated a system of worship. The object of worship can vary, but the sense of "superior power" is an undeniable part of the human being. Our tendency to worship is consistent with the fact that God created us "in His image" Genesis 1:27.

God also revealed to us by His Word, the Bible. Throughout Scripture, the existence of God is treated as a matter of course Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14. When Ben Franklin wrote his autobiography, he wasted no time trying to prove his existence. In the same way, God does not spend a lot of time proving his existence in his book. The changing nature of the Bible, its integrity, and the miracles that went with it should be sufficient to warrant further examination.

The third way that God revealed himself is by his Son, Jesus Christ. "In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God, and the Word was God. " John 14:6-11

In the amazing life of Jesus, he kept the whole Old Testament law perfectly and fulfilled the prophecies about the Messiah Matthew 5:17. He has done countless acts of compassion and public miracles to authenticate his message and testify to his divinity. "." Jesus did many other things too. If each of them were written, I suppose even the entire world would have no place for the books that would be written. John 21:225. Then, three days after his crucifixion, he was raised from the dead, a fact asserted by hundreds of witnesses 1 Corinthians 15:6. History is full of "proofs" of who Jesus is. As the apostle Paul said, this "has not been done in a corner" Acts 26:26.

We realize that there will always be doubters who have their ideas about God and will read the evidence accordingly. And some may not be convinced by evidence. "The mad man says in his heart, "There is no God. " They are corrupt, their actions are vile; there is no one who does good." Psalm 14:1.

Everything can be summed up in faith. "And without faith it is impossible to please God. Because whoever comes to him must believe that he exists and reward those who search for him seriously. " Hebrews 11:6.

©️Copyright 2022 The Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries All rights reserved under international copyright laws.

All Bible citations are from the New King James Version ® unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission. all rights reserved.



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Prophet Kingsford Cudjoe Ministries